
National Philanthropy Day Luncheon
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The Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Tri-State Chapter (AFP - GTS) is currently comprised of approximately 49 members representing a wide variety of non-profit organizations and fundraising expertise throughout the Tri-States area of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois. The AFP Greater Tri-State Chapter is a Gold Star and Ten Star Chapter and strives to bring value to our members. There are many more fundraising professionals in our community who are not yet members of our association and many more opportunities to collaborate with the other AFP chapter in the Tri-States to maximize resources and to promote the profession statewide.  


Through education, training and advocacy AFP will continue to advance philanthropy to support the many important needs of the community. The 2021-2024 Strategic Plan provides an important roadmap that will serve as a guide for this organization through the next exciting years.  This Strategic Plan will help the chapter’s leadership stay the course and achieve the important goals that were identified with valuable input from the Board and committee members.

Please check out our programs, volunteer opportunities and get to know your Chapter leaders. If you're not a member, join today and be connected!​


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  • Annual Meeting & Winter Social

    THIS WEEK!! Join the AFP IA Greater Tri-State Chapter for our Annual Meeting & Winter Social on Thursday, December 12 at 4:00pm❄️🎉

    We will honor our AFP Board and members, celebrate achievements, and share ways to become involved. There will be a brief recap of the year to start, followed by a social with appetizers and beverages.

    Anyone is welcome to attend! Please feel free to bring a co-worker or a friend to learn more about AFP.

  • Fundraising Professionals Announce 2024 Outstanding Philanthropy Awards

    Annually, the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Tri-State Chapter (AFPGTS) holds a National Philanthropy Day event to honor donors, volunteers and fundraising professionals whose gifts of time, talent and treasure make an impact on nonprofits in our tristate community. The group will celebrate the incredible significance of philanthropy in our area with a luncheon and awards program at 11:45 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 14, at Hotel Julien Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa. Those being honored are listed below. Register for the event online at https://bit.ly/44K2aIp by Friday, Nov. 1.  

    2024 Award Recipients

    Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy–Laura Harris

    Laura is being recognized for her enthusiasm, energy and dedication when it comes to making sure others have not only what they need but that little something extra to brighten their day. She joined the Interact Club at Hempstead High School, Dubuque, as a freshman and actively sought out ways to give more than what was expected. Her nominator wrote, “For her, this was not a club just for social time, it was honestly a deep passion to help others. She would work so hard on every project we had, even bringing her parent with her for some activities to share the giving!” Each year, Laura expanded her involvement, generated ideas, and recruited new members. Now a senior, Laura is involved with numerous Interact Club projects and other organizations, including Octagon Club and being a Hempstead Ambassador, and has leadership roles. She is well-known for giving at a consistently high level and sporting her engaging smile.  

    Outstanding Individual Philanthropists–Matt and Kristi Tompkins

    Matt and Kristi’s giving reaches far and wide in the community. They are described as people who see a need and jump in with both feet. They worked to create a fund for the arts at Dubuque Senior High School, personally matching the funds on Great Give Day and earning the matching prize for most donors in the Power Hour challenge. Their nominator said, “Whether it was for equipment, programming, transportation to contests or scholarships, they wanted to ensure the kids had an opportunity to get involved with the arts. Matt serves as a board member at the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque. His interest in learning more about needs in our community combined with his business experience and expertise has been invaluable.” This couple has financially supported nonprofits through grantmaking and helped make a difference in organizations that support children, animals, food insecurity, and arts and culture. 

    Outstanding Philanthropic Organization–Rotary Club of Dubuque

    Rotary Club of Dubuque has made substantial contributions to various organizations, actively participating in and supporting numerous nonprofit organizations in the community and demonstrating a strong commitment to service and philanthropy. Some of the areas they serve include community health, youth programs and education. Rotary annually funds scholarships for high school graduates, supports Youth Leadership Awards, sponsors international students studying abroad and manages the International Youth Exchange program. Their nominator said, “Rotary's philanthropic spirit is truly inspiring and deeply rooted in a genuine desire to uplift the community, making significant financial contributions but also dedicating time and effort to various causes. The ability to inspire others to join in these efforts highlights their leadership and the positive impact on those around them.” Rotary's contributions have been both diverse and impactful. They embody the true essence of philanthropy, consistently demonstrating compassion, generosity and an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of others in the community. 

    Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser–Cari Schaffer

    Cari was instrumental in coordinating and leading the fundraising for the renovation and expansion of Schreiner Memorial Library in Lancaster, WI, a ten-year endeavor. Out of the $3.5 million project, $2 million was raised through community giving. Cari met with people and spoke at meetings to identify the current needs and future benefits of this project. She also led by example by giving herself. The library is a great community asset, offering programs and resources to people of all ages and abilities. 

    Cari is president of Grant County Humane Society. She raises funds via social media, events, and direct solicitations. Over 2,000 animals have been rehomed since expanding services in 2014. The society purchased a large building in 2023 and is now raising $800,000 to renovate and expand animal and program services. Then they plan to raise $100,000 to cover two years of operating funds. Cari’s passion is visible and contagious. 

    Judges Award-Mike and Gail Scherr

    Mike and Gail have inspired many in our community to be philanthropic, to see opportunities–not obstacles–in working together and walking toward challenges with open arms and open hearts. They see a need and step up not just to make a difference but to make our community stronger. Mike and Gail look at philanthropy as a way to give back to the community that has given them so much. Best of all, they not only modeled this to their family, the business community and friends but incorporated this philosophy into how they did business, encouraging employees to identify needs and work together to help meet that need. Though they retired, that same culture continues and is being passed on by the next generation. The list of organizations that benefited from Mike and Gail’s generosity could fill multiple pages. They have also shared their business expertise and experience with nonprofit organizations. They are dedicated to serving others. 

    Outstanding Fundraising Professional–Karen Tuecke

    Karen has demonstrated exceptional dedication and skill in supporting various tristate nonprofit boards and organizations through her 20 years of fundraising. Her personal touch and genuine passion for the cause have motivated donors to contribute generously and consistently. She has raised over $100 million for all the organizations she has worked and volunteered with. Karen’s leadership and strategic vision have been invaluable in guiding organizations toward achieving their missions, expanding their impact and better serving their communities. One of her favorite contributions was assisting in raising over $5 million for the Miracle League of Dubuque’s capital campaign to build, maintain and expand the facilities in the future. Karen’s expertise in securing funds has enabled enhanced educational programs, new nonprofit facilities based on a dream and necessary funds to provide resources for ministries of the Sisters of the Presentation. Knowing fundraising is a team effort, she inspires others to get involved and give back, mobilizing volunteers and encouraging donations. 

    Since 1986, National Philanthropy Day has recognized the remarkable contributions of philanthropy that enrich our world. To learn more about AFPGTS, visit us online at www.afpgts.org.

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