Become a Chamberlain Scholar & Represent AFP Nova Scotia at ICON 2025
The AFP Foundation for Philanthropy is proud to offer the Chamberlain Scholarship Program for AFP ICON 2025 to be held in Seattle, WA from April 27 – 29, 2025. This scholarship program is designed to help individuals serving non-profit organizations develop their knowledge and skills in fundraising. Each Chapter can send a “scholar”.
The submission deadline has now passed and the recipient will be announced soon.
If you have any questions, please contact Scholarship Committee Chair Tracey Comeau tacomeau@ihis.org
AFP Nova Scotia Chapter has appointed a committee to disseminate scholarship application forms and select one qualified scholarship applicant.
AFP Chamberlain Scholarship Guidelines:
•The Chamberlain Scholarship covers the full registration fee, minus a $10 processing fee for the recipient to pay.
•The scholarship will be paid directly to the international conference registration and will not be sent to chapters or scholarship recipients.
•Chamberlain Scholarship recipients (“Scholars”) are responsible for registering themselves online for the ICON conference by using a special discount code that will be provided to them via email from IHQ. Scholars are responsible for making and paying for their own travel and lodging arrangements.
•Chamberlain Scholars who had already registered before they were named a Chamberlain Scholar are required to request a refund in writing. Instructions will be provided in the congratulatory email. Scholars will be refunded all but $10.00 of the amount they paid for registration.
•Scholars must wait for special registration codes from IHQ before they will be allowed to register online.
Selection Criteria for Chamberlain Scholar is based on the following:
•This Scholarship is open to AFP Members and Non-Members who have never attended an AFP ICON Conference or NSFRE International Conference on Fundraising as a registered participant (unless as a member of the Conference Host Committee) and is enthusiastic to attend the full conference as scheduled.
•Candidate is employed as a fundraising professional, or, if you are in an executive position, is a substantial amount your time devoted to fundraising.
•Candidate must agree to complete an online evaluation form about his or her experience at International Conference.
•Only one individual from any local organization or institution may be selected.
•Candidate must be willing to share their AFP ICON experience with their chapter after the conference has concluded. This can be accomplished through a report to chapter leadership, a contribution to the chapter newsletter, or an alternate contribution identified by chapter leadership.
In addition to these criteria, the AFP Scholarship Committee will consider diversity and financial need when allocating scholarship funds.
Visit the AFP Nova Scotia Funding page to explore other funding opportunities.
The Chamberlain Scholarship program honors Ralph E. Chamberlain, CFRE. Mr. Chamberlain had a long and distinguished career of service to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), beginning in the 1960s when the organization was formed as the National Society of Fund Raisers (NSFR), through the late 1970s when the name was changed to the National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE), and until his death in 1999. Mr. Chamberlain’s dedication to the organization we now know as AFP never faltered in his long volunteer career with the Association. Because of his long-time support of the Foundation’s annual fund and generous planned gift, the AFP Board of Directors renamed their Conference Scholar Program in 2000 to honor Mr. Chamberlain’s memory and commitment to the Association. Read more about Ralph E. Chamberlain here.