
AFP Nova Scotia welcomes you to attend any of our monthly Board meetings. Please visit our events calendar for our upcoming meeting schedule.

Chapter Executive

Alison Clements - President

Co-Chair, National Philanthropy Day
Charitable Giving Advisor, Major Gifts
QEII Health Sciences Centre Foundation

(902) 719-7161

Fiona Valverde, CFRE - President Elect

Vice-President, Revenue Generation
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
(902) 425-7770 x 226 

Whitney MacLean - Past President

Manager of Philanthropy and Engagement
NSCC Foundation
(902) 255-7973 

Shaylyn MacAulay - Treasurer

Chair, Maritime Fundraising Conference
Chair, Youth in Philanthropy

Development Officer
NSCC Foundation
(866) 745-7919



Carmen Boyko

Chair, Marketing and Communications
Senior Director, Fund Development
JA Nova Scotia

(902) 454-4564 x 103

Tracey Comeau

Chair, Scholarships Committee
Chief Executive Officer
QEH Foundation
(902) 894-2425

Jordan Fisher

Chair, Every Member Campaign
CAGP Liaison
Director of Engagement
Symphony Nova Scotia
(902) 421-4403

Geoff Hurst

Chair, Government Relations
Director, Business Development
Chisholm Services for Children
(902) 492-2334

Katie MacDonald

Co-Chair, National Philanthropy Day
Foundation Services Associate
Community Foundation of Nova Scotia
(902) 329-9396

Whitney Machin

Chair, Mentorship
Manager, Leadership Giving
MS Canada 
(902) 442-6939
(800) 268-7582 

John McCabe

Director at Large
Senior Consultant
Global Philanthropic Canada

Angela Rafuse

Chair, Governance and Policy

Basim Sobeih

Director at Large


Ben Trenaman

Chair, Membership
Development Officer
NSCC Foundation

(902) 489-5699