
In 1989, the National Society of Fundraising Executives Greater Baton Rouge Chapter was founded by Brother Donnan Berry and a few area fundraisers including Michael Acaldo, Emily DiStefano, Gwen Fairchild, Jane Henslee, Stephanie Maxwell, Quinn Rainwater and Carl Stages. Brother Donnan sought the support of area philanthropists John Barton, Sr., John and Virginia Noland, Mary Frey Eaton and others. Only a handful of organizations had dedicated development staff at that time.    

In 2001, the organization that promotes ethical fundraising, advances philanthropy throughout the community, and provides professional education to members, changed its name to the Association of Fundraising Professionals. The chapter currently has over 130 members from more than 80 member organizations. AFP International’s highest chapter award, the Ten Star Gold Award, recognizes exemplary standards in chapters, and has been awarded to the Greater Baton Rouge Chapter for the last several years. The Ten Star Award has been awarded nearly every year to the chapter since its inception.