

AFP Monterey Bay was founded in 1993. Its purpose is to advance the professionalism of individuals working in all fields of development and fundraising, especially at the administrative decision making level, through local networking, education, training, and national & statewide lobbying efforts.

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  • Sign Up for Our Fundamentals of Fundraising Courses Held February - May at the CFMC

    The AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising courses are designed by experienced fundraising professionals to meet the real-world needs and challenges nonprofit organizations face every day.

    This course is a complete overview of the development function, featuring the most current information and techniques. This 16-hour program includes case studies and group projects, making the learning experience both substantive and enjoyable.

    Full participation in the AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising courses are applicable for 16.0 points of CFRE Credit in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.


    All sessions 9:00am-12:00pm


    February 28th

    Module 1: Overview of Fundraising

    March 7th         

    Module 2: Integrated Fundraising Program

    March 14th          

    Module 3: Marketing for Ongoing Success

    April 4th               

    Module 4: Building & Sustaining Relationships

    April 18th             

    Module 5: Securing the Gift

    April 25

    Module 5: Volunteers - Partners in Fundraising

    May 9th                

    Module 7: Management & Accountability


    Community Foundation for Monterey County - Monterey Office

    2354 Garden Rd, Monterey, CA 93940

    Course Fee: $419 AFP Members / $529 nonmembers

    For more information or scholarship requests please contact:

    Kate Mitchell Mehle | 831-886-7813 | kmitchell@bigsurlandtrust.org

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