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  • Hello, Apologies for being late in responding. I've been in fundraising for more than 25 years and ...

  • hi, absolutely, that makes a lot of sense.. especially because you position it to make the donor's life ...

On Wednesday June 7, 2023, AFP NL held its 2023 Fundraising Day. The event ran 8:30am - 4:30pm and was held at the NL Housing and Homelessness Network, located in St. John's , NL. Thanks for sharing your space with us! A big thank you to everyone who was able to attend the event! What an incredible day with Fraser Green from Good Works Co, the Honourable John Abbott, and Claire Spicer from Canada Helps. An additional thank you to CanadaHelps - your sponsorship and continued support of AFP NL is what makes incredible learning days like this possible.

A selfie of  a group of AFP NL members  smiling,  some leaning across round tables  and some standing up  looking at the camera for a selfie style image.

Fraser's flight to NL was impacted by weather but he delivered an impactful and engaging presentation entitled: Keeping up with Your Donors: Inside the Mind of the Post Pandemic Donor. Following Fraser's amazing presentation AFP NL board member Rebecca Dutton and Fraser led the group through a thought provoking and informative discussion around some pressing questions members had related to fundraising in the post pandemic world. Thank you Rebecca and Fraser! 

We look forward to connecting with you (again) soon! Over the summer the AFP NL board will be busy updating its event calendar with events, professional development workshops and more. 


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