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On Wednesday June 7, 2023, AFP NL held its 2023 Fundraising Day. The event ran 8:30am - 4:30pm and was held at the NL Housing and Homelessness Network, located in St. John's , NL. Thanks for sharing your space with us! A big thank you to everyone who was able to attend the event! What an incredible day with Fraser Green from Good Works Co, the Honourable John Abbott, and Claire Spicer from Canada Helps. An additional thank you to CanadaHelps - your sponsorship and continued support of AFP NL is what makes incredible learning days like this possible.

A selfie of  a group of AFP NL members  smiling,  some leaning across round tables  and some standing up  looking at the camera for a selfie style image.

Fraser's flight to NL was impacted by weather but he delivered an impactful and engaging presentation entitled: Keeping up with Your Donors: Inside the Mind of the Post Pandemic Donor. Following Fraser's amazing presentation AFP NL board member Rebecca Dutton and Fraser led the group through a thought provoking and informative discussion around some pressing questions members had related to fundraising in the post pandemic world. Thank you Rebecca and Fraser! 

We look forward to connecting with you (again) soon! Over the summer the AFP NL board will be busy updating its event calendar with events, professional development workshops and more. 


  • AFP NL Chapter - 10 Star Gold Status

    AFP Ten Star Gold Award
    For the first time on our chapters history @afpnl has achieved 10 Star ⭐️ Gold status. The Ten Star Gold Award honors those chapters who have accomplished all of the required goals outlined in theAFP Strategic Plan plus an additional six goals and the six mandatory goals as outlined on the application. By meeting these objectives our chapter insures that high quality services are provided to our members, and that the community becomes more aware of the impact of philanthropy in the region. There is also a Ten Star level with fewer requirements, but AFP NL Chapter has elected to strive for the Ten Star Gold designation. #afpicon
    While this is a success for the entire chapter Christina Morgan, CFRE, AFP NL Chapter President and Heather Butler, CFRE, AFP NL chapter Board member were on hand at #AFPICON in Toronto during the Chapter Presidents Council meetings to receive this special recognition. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    AFP Ten Star Gold Award
  • AFP NL - 2024 IDEA Champion Designation

    For the first time in the history of our chapter AFP NL has been awarded the AFP IDEA CHAMPION DESIGNATION!! Strategic Plan is the blueprint for organizational growth and success in the future. For the strategic plan to be effective, it must be implemented through a partnership between the AFP Global and the local chapters. As each chapter contributes its part to the overall Strategic Plan, AFP will continue to meet its goals and continue to advance philanthropy and the fundraising profession around the world. One of the specific goals in the plan requires AFP to embrace and engage diverse individuals, groups and organizations within the fundraising profession. In order to be recognized as a Friends of Diversity Chapter, local chapters must have an extensive plan in place to encourage diversity within their chapter membership and within the fundraising development profession throughout their region.
    While this is a success for the entire chapter Christina Morgan, CFRE, AFP NL Chapter President and Heather Butler, CFRE, AFP NL chapter Board member were on hand at #AFPICON in Toronto during the Chapter Presidents Council meetings to receive this special recognition.
    AFP NL IDEA Champion Designation

AFP NL Events

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