A voluntary credential that is recognized worldwide, the CFRE signifies a confident, ethical fundraising professional.
It is how today’s fundraiser shows accountability, service, and commitment to making a difference for good. We believe the CFRE credential is vital to a fundraiser’s professional growth and that it sets the standard for ethical practice in the sector.
ANSI Accreditation
In 2017, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited CFRE certification under the ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024 standard for personnel certification programs, making the CFRE credential the world’s only accredited certification for philanthropic fundraising professionals.
ANSI accreditation is the hallmark of a rigorous, high-quality certification program. Accreditation by ANSI means that the CFRE credential’s global significance is recognized by other worldwide accrediting bodies with which ANSI has multilateral recognition agreements.
Reach and Scope
More than 7,200 fundraising professionals from over 20 countries are currently CFREs. They work throughout all segments of the nonprofit sector including healthcare, education, and the arts, where they bring adherence to rigorous standards to all aspects of their work.
CFRE is poised to expand its reach in the coming years, growing philanthropic sector recognition of the CFRE credential and growing in service to certificants and partner organizations in the sector.
Differing Types of Workplace Credentials and Certifications
The CFRE is a third-party certification that assesses fundraising competence. Learn more about how a third-party certification differs from other types of workplace certificates, certifications, and licenses in this video from ANSI.