Not a Member? Join Today!
If you're not already a member of AFP, we invite you to join! With your membership, you will enjoy a wealth of career-building programs, educational resources, networking opportunities and exclusive member discounts.
For those participating in the greater Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, and Coralville corridor area, choose the 'Eastern Iowa' chapter from the list of chapters.
Why Join?
AFP Member Benefits
Below are major benefits you'll receive when you join the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Sound good? Then Join AFP and become a part of the world's largest community of charitable fundraisers.
Research and Practice Tools
• AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards • Ethics Assessment Inventory • International Statement of Ethical Principles • Promote Donor Bill of Rights • AFP Website • Fundraising Tools & Templates • AFP Connect online forum
Professional Development
• Complimentary Webinars • AFP Compensation and Benefits Report • Fundraising Effectiveness Project • Nonprofit Research Collaborative Survey • Advancing Philanthropy Magazine - Print • Advancing Philanthropy Magazine - Digital • AFP Daily newsletter • Membership Directory • Consultants and Resource Directory • AFP Career Center • Mentoring Programs • Serve on AFP Global Committees/Task Forces • Serve on AFP Global Board of Directors • Strategic Alliance memberships with sister fundraising organizations • AFP eCourses with MindEdge
Member Discounts
• AFP ICON (AFP's international conference on fundraising) • AFP LEAD (AFP's annual leadership conference) • AFP Fundamentals of Fundraising • CFRE Review Course • Hemispheric Congress (biannual event in Mexico) • AFP Premium Webinars • ACFRE Certification • CFRE Certification
Available Chapter Benefits
• Networking • Member Discounts on Monthly Educational Programs • Member Discounts on Chapter Conferences • Member Discounts on National Philanthropy Day events • Volunteer Opportunities • Chapter Scholarships • Chapter Website • Chapter Newsletter • Chapter Mentoring Program • Chapter Career Center
AFP Membership Categories & Pricing
When a member joins AFP, they join both the international organization and a local chapter (Choose 'Eastern Iowa' chapter for those participating in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, and Coralville Corridor area).
Thus, a member pays annual dues to both the International Headquarters and the chapter.
PROFESSIONAL MEMBER - $290.00 + chapter dues (Eastern Iowa chapter dues are $50)
- Professional: Open to persons who hold some degree of responsibility directly for fundraising, work within the U.S. and Canada and are compensated for their services (Members outside these two countries may join in this category as a volunteer fundraiser); subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards ("Code") and its bylaws; promote the Donor Bill of Rights and, are employed or have been employed by an institution or organization that provides benefits to society.
ASSOCIATE - $290.00 + chapter dues (Eastern Iowa chapter dues are $50)
- Young Professional(26 years old or younger) - $65 + reduced chapter dues ($30 chapter dues for Young Professional statue)
- Young Professional(27 to 30 years old) - $120 + reduced chapter dues ($55 chapter dues)
- (applies to both sub-categories) Open to persons who hold some degree of responsibility directly for fundraising, work within the U.S. and Canada and are compensated for their services, and are 30 years old or younger, must subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards and its bylaws and promote the Donor Bill of Rights and be employed, or have been employed by an organization that provides benefits to society.
Global E-Membership - $50 + chapter dues (Eastern Iowa chapter dues are $50)
Collegiate - $35 + chapter dues (Eastern Iowa chapter dues are $50)
- Collegiate: Collegiate membership in the Association shall be open to (a) students in a two- or four-year full time degree granting, certificate, or diploma program at an accredited college or university, or (b) individuals who serve as a faculty advisor for a collegiate chapter of AFP. Collegiate members must subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards and promote the Donor Bill of Rights. Membership in this category is limited to those students affiliated with a Collegiate Chapter of AFP.
Retired - $75 + chapter dues (Eastern Iowa chapter dues are $50)
- Retired: Retired membership in the Association shall be open to individuals who no longer practice as paid fundraising professionals but who, at the time they seek Retired Member status, have been Professional members of the Association for the immediate past five consecutive years and subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards and promote the Donor Bill of Rights. Retired members in good standing may vote, serve on chapter boards, committees and task forces, as well as Association committees and task forces, but may not hold any Association office.
Business Members – Executive Circle - $5,000, Endorser - $1,500 (Includes chapter dues of $50 for Eastern Iowa chapter)
- Business: Business membership in the Association shall be open to for-profit organizations whose work complements the fundraising profession. The Executive Circle Business member shall be entitled to designate two employees to receive full benefits as Associate members of the Association. Endorser Business Members shall be entitled to designate one employee to receive full benefits as an Associate member of the Association. The designated individuals, as well as the organization which constitutes the Business member, must subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards and promote the Donor Bill of Rights.
Nonprofit Organizational Membership – Large Category – starting at $1,425 for five members (Price includes chapter dues)
- Nonprofit Organizational – Large: Shall be open to nonprofit organizations that wish to have multiple members in the association. The organization will designate a minimum of five (5) to receive Professional member benefits. The memberships may be transferred to another individual if the original member leaves the organization. Must subscribe to the AFP Code of Ethical Standards and promote the Donor Bill of Rights. Nonprofit Organizational members in good standing may vote, serve on chapter or Association committees and task forces and hold Association or chapter office.
Nonprofit Organizational Membership – Small Category - $175.00 (Price includes chapter dues)
How much are chapter dues?
Eastern Iowa Chapter dues are $50. For Young Professional status, they are $30.
If you are researching dues for a different chapter, please click on Join AFP to determine chapter dues.
How long does my membership last?
Your membership lasts 12 months, starting in the month you officially become a member.
AFP Membership - An Investment in Yourself
Now, more than ever, you must invest in yourself! And it’s your professional community, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, that can offer you the best resources—at the best value for your membership dollar—to help you and your organization succeed.
What can AFP provide to help you succeed?
- The best training and education in the fundraising field. AFP offers a myriad of continuing educational opportunities for all fundraisers, regardless of experience level or specialty, and most can help you attain your certification to demonstrate your commitment to and expertise in the profession.
- New ideas and latest trends in the profession. Between the AFP Daily, the quarterly Advancing Philanthropy magazine and our constantly updated website, AFP keeps you current on happenings and innovations that will affect you now and in the future.
- Networking with colleagues and access to fundraising experts. AFP Webinars let you hear from the most experienced practitioners in fundraising, and online forums like AFP Connect let you talk directly with fundraisers with a wealth of practical, how-to knowledge. Networking through your local chapter can also bring new opportunities every day!
- Benchmarks for success and future growth. AFP research data, such as the Fundraising Effectiveness Project and Compensations and Benefits Report, show how you and your organization stack up in the profession and how to proceed to find even greater success.
AFP also isn’t just an investment in you and your professional career. Your whole organization benefits from the programs available through AFP membership. Success today for charities means:
- Showing the public your commitment to ethics and accountability. AFP’s Ethics program, featuring our Code of Ethical Principles and Standards and the Donor Bill of Rights, is the most respected in the world and underscores what you and your organization does to steward not just the public’s money, but its trust as well.
- Reaching out to a growing and diverse donor base. AFP’s diverse resources not only help organizations reach out to different audiences, but also help build inclusive boards that can more effectively serve different populations.
- Understanding how public policy affects the work of fundraising and charities. AFP is the leader in educating government on how fundraising really works and what charities need to succeed. Our public policy program works for stronger philanthropic incentives for your organization and a streamlined oversight system that protects legitimate organizations while rooting out the bad apples.
- Developing fundraising leadership. Successful boards and staff that know and appreciate fundraising are key ingredients to success. AFP’s executive programs develop management and leadership skills and help forge the critical bonds between staff and board that result in exceeding fundraising goals.
You and your organization can benefit from all of this. So continue to invest in yourself. Work with your organization so you can continue to be a vital part of the AFP community. And let AFP—your association— help you reach your professional development goals—while helping your organization continue to make a difference in the world.
AFP Membership: FAQs
Have questions about AFP membership? The FAQs below should answer them. If you have more, please contact us at (800) 666-3863.
Does my membership belong to me, or to the organization I work for?
It depends on the type of membership that you join. If you are a Professional, Young Professional, Collegiate or Associate member, the membership is yours and goes with you if leave an organization.
The Nonprofit Organizational Membership for both large and small organizations, and the Executive Circle Business Member or Endorser Business Member belongs to the organization or company. If an employee leaves, the organization may replace the name of the designated member. New members still need to fill out a membership application and sign their adherence to the AFP Code of Ethical Principles and Standards.
Does my membership stay with me if I switch organizations?
If you are in one of the individual membership categories the membership goes with you if you switch organizations.
How much does membership cost?
When a member joins AFP, they join both the global organization and a local chapter (exceptions exist if a chapter is not located close to the member). Thus, a member pays annual dues to both AFP Global and the chapter.
How much are the dues to AFP Global?
Your membership dues depend on the type of membership applicable to you. Members must self-assess to determine the type of membership for which they are eligible. Prospective members should self-determine the category of membership, and renewing members should review and reassess membership categories. Descriptions are below.
If you have any questions not answered here or on the global website, please feel free to email the Eastern Iowa Chapter administrator at
So, let's get you started today! Join Now!