National Philanthropy Day (NPD) acknowledges the entire spectrum of services provided by the nonprofit community and recognizes the profound impact that philanthropy has on the fabric of society. Each year, AFP chapters around the nation honor individuals and groups who, through their hard work and dedication, have enhanced philanthropy, their communities, and the world. The purpose of this day is to recognize the great contributions of philanthropy—and those people active in the philanthropic community—to the enrichment of our world.
Sponsors of National Philanthropy Day gain visibility and increased brand awareness through logo and material presence at the event, and in media outreach and materials.
Chapter Sponsorships
Join us as an AFPSBV Chapter Sponsor and, enjoy high visibility all year long among a thousand non-profit leaders and fundraising professionals across both Santa Barbara and Ventura counties – this includes a valuable presence at the 2022 National Philanthropy Day Celebration and 2023 Symposium on Fundraising.
Chapter Sponsors at every level, from $5,000 to $500 will be prominently listed on the Chapter website and in the AFPSBV monthly eNewsletter. We will always feature you leading up to events and thank you from the podium. Perhaps you’d like to sponsor one of our seven awards at National Philanthropy Day or one of our nationally recognized speakers at the AFP Symposium! Or maybe you wish to host a special drawing during Symposium or one of our luncheons? Please see sponsorship benefits associated with each category by clicking here – we are happy to provide a customized sponsorship experience that works best for you, just ask!
To complete the sponsorship form, click here.

Presenting Sponsor ($10,000) or Co-Presenting Sponsor ($5,000 each) includes “Presented by” recognition at National Philanthropy Day and AFPSBV Symposium on Fundraising.
1. Your brand or name as “Presenting or Co-Presenting Chapter Sponsor” in promotional materials is mailed or emailed to nearly 1,000 philanthropists, fundraising professionals, board members and volunteers throughout Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties.
2. Welcome or Promotional Video that you supply to be shown at National Philanthropy Day (NPD) and Symposium on Fundraising.
3. Opportunity to briefly address attendees at National Philanthropy Day and Symposium.
4. Your creative ideas welcome for branded promotional gifts for honorees, keynote speakers or guests.
5. Tabling opportunity at National Philanthropy Day and Symposium.
6. Ten (10) tickets to National Philanthropy Day and Symposium with access to respected, high profile non-profit leaders, philanthropists, volunteers, and professional fundraisers.
7. Your name/logo with link prominently displayed on our website, inclusion in digital and print communications, social media postings, press releases, and regional advertising.

At this level you can choose to sponsor one of seven awards at National Philanthropy Day or sponsor a nationally recognized keynote speaker at the Symposium on Fundraising.
You will also receive tabling and six (6) tickets to both signature events. We will thank you from the podium, your name/logo and link will be included in AFPSBV website, promotions and regional media leading up to, day-of and post-event for the entire year.

At this level you can choose to sponsor a special drawing at the Symposium on Fundraising or be recognized as the “host” at an educational luncheon.
Join us at the podium for a special drawing for an item you provide or make your brand known by serving as a “host” with an opportunity to address guests at an educational luncheon. Receive tabling and four (4) tickets to both signature events, plus your name/logo and link will be included in AFPSBV website, promotions and regional media leading up to, day-of and post-event.

Be our guest and demonstrate your support for philanthropy and the nonprofit community!
At this level you can choose to attend and provide a gift for a special drawing at one of our educational events. You will also receive two (2) tickets to both signature events and your name/logo and link will be included in AFPSBV website, promotions and regional media leading up to, day-of and post-event.

Thank you for your donation and being a Friend of philanthropy!
Your name/logo will be linked to AFPSBV website and included in promotions and regional media for a year.