My Profile

Jennie Miller

JAM Nonprofit Consulting LLC

Contact Details

JAM Nonprofit Consulting LLC


Jennie Miller, GPC, ACNP, has worked in the nonprofit arena for 25 years, primarily as a grants professional. Though she has lived in Phoenix for 12 years, her career began in the NYC arts community. Her company, JAM Nonprofit Consulting LLC, helps organizations raise grant funds in areas such as healthcare, youth development, education, veterans’ services, homelessness, food access, and older adult services. In addition, Jennie teaches grant writing in Arizona State University’s Nonprofit Management and Leadership Program and travels the country as a trainer with Grant Writing USA. Jennie sits on the national board of the Grant Professionals Association and has been Grant Professional Certified (GPC) since 2012. She earned her Advanced Certified Nonprofit Professional (CNP) credential in 2023.

In her free time, Jennie dotes on her rescue dog Jamie (short for Jameson), pursues DIY projects around her house, and plans her next bucket list trip(s).