Ethics & Diversity
AFP fosters the development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession.
Ethical standards and principles are the foundation for maintaining public trust, for every AFP member. AFP provides a self-governed process for addressing ethical concerns. Resources on ethical standards are available on the AFP International website:
Guidelines, Codes, Standards
Donor Bill of Rights
To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, AFP and other fundraising organizations declare that all donors have the following rights.
Code of Ethical Principles and Standards
The foundation of philanthropy is ethical fundraising, and a key mission of AFP is to advance and foster the highest ethical standards through its Code of Ethical Principles and Standards.
The Accountable Nonprofit Organization
"The Accountable Nonprofit Organization" is a statement of principles. It outlines the operations and procedures a charity undertakes to show it is accountable to donors, the people it serves, and the general public.
Ethics Enforcement: Handling and Preventing Unethical Behavior
The stature of any self-regulated profession depends on how successfully it enforces ethical standards. Professional codes embody not just codifications of right and wrong but also the calling's ideals, aspirations, and sense of trusteeship for society. AFP's Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice, which includes detailed enforcement procedures, clearly expresses the association's vision of philanthropy promoted through responsible fundraising.