Interested in becoming a Mentee?
AFPNEO provides its members with many learning opportunities to help them and the nonprofits they serve. One such opportunity is our mentoring program.
The goal of the mentoring program is to pair seasoned professionals with people new to the field, those transitioning job responsibilities, or those searching for additional networking opportunities.
Mentors/mentees are asked to meet 6 times per year by phone, email, online, or in-person. Both the mentor and the mentee are encouraged to keep a simple log of meetings and general discussion topics as a guide for future program evaluation.
These relationships are meant to be career-specific and not used or construed in any way as a consulting relationship. Mentors are encouraged to recommend appropriate resources i.e. courses, workshops, educational opportunities, vendors, or consultants. The mentoring program is not a job placement service.
We recommend that mentors and mentees tell their employers about their participation in the program. Both must respect that the information they share about their organizations is confidential.
Mentors should have at least 5 years of experience in fund development.
Are you interested in becoming a Mentor or Mentee? Please click here to fill our an interest form. A member of our committee will contact you to coordinate a match.